Principles of Islam Revealed in the Holy Quran

The Day of Judgement

The blasphemers of the world will face the vengeance of Allah and pay their exact recompense on the day of judgement. Indeed, this was revealed to our prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in Medinah (78:26). The prophecies revealed in the hadiths have come true - in the years before the Day of Punishment, unparalleled sin shall corrupt the world and none shall fear the almighty. The divine prophecies leave no doubt that the Day is upon us. Purify yourself from corruption lest you perish in the dark depths of Jahannam for all eternity. All good men of Islamic faith, all those who practice not sin but faith, all men of virtue shall be lifted into the seven skies above, beyond the realm of the accursed Devil.

Is There Any Doubt?

Those who continue to maintain doubt in the face of the holy Quran are fools beyond human comprehension. A simple proof of the complete and undeniable veracity of the Quran exists in Ayah 2:2, which was revealed to our prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in Medinah. Further evidence can be found in the hadiths - divine words of the authorities of Islam appointed by Allah Himself. Did we not make the Earth as a resting place? Or the mountains as stakes? Have we not created you in pairs? And made your sleep as a means for rest? And the night as cover? And the day for living? And constructed above you seven skies? And placed therein a burning lamp? (78:6-13).

The Journey to Hafiz

It is said that all those non-idolaters who memorise the entirety the Holy Quran will be guaranteed entrance into Jannah. These honourable preservers of the divine instructions and prophecies of Allah are known as the Hafiz. The journey to Hafiz is difficult but not unassailable. For shorter Surahs, a good strategy recommended by direct descendants of Abu Bakr (ﷺ) is to recite a different chapter of the Holy Quran in each of your daily prayers. And during the month of Ramadan, you can learn completely one of the longer chapters in Taraweeh. Indeed, ambitious followers of the true faith have an entire lifetime to do this, so there is no need to rush. Even if you perish prematurely, your efforts will undoubtedly be recognised by Him.

Sin and Punishment

All devout followers of the one true faith are acutely aware of the grave punishments associated with each sin after Haya. However, it is revealed in the Quran that all sin may be forgiven with appropriate spiritual repentance (9:8-15). The only exception is idolatry (9:4). The worshipping of any idol in the place of Allah is an unforgivable sin worthy of only the greatest punishment in the Day of Judgement. Speak not evil in the lands of the almighty lest you let forth undue praises of false deities. The Day of Eternal Punishment is upon us - maintain your faith and practice virtue before the eyes of the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. Then indeed you will receive your due reward.

The Way of Tears - سبيل مريح

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merficul...

سبيلُ الدّموعِ سبيلٌ مريحْ تنهّد أيا صاحِ كي تستريحْ وبُثّ الدّعاءَ الخفيَّ الصّريحْ يسعْكَ الفضاءُ الرَّحيبُ الفسيحْفَبِاللهِ كَمْ تستطبُّ القُروحْ ويبرأُ جُرحُ الكَسيرِ الجريحْ وينشطُ ذاكَ السّقيمُ العَلِيلْ وقد كانَ بالسُّقم دهرٌ طريحْ تقالُ العِثارُ العِظامُ بهِ ويغدو الهوا كَكبشٍ ذبيحْ بِذكر الإلهِ تطيبُ الحياة تُسرُّ أساريرَ وجهٍ صبيحْ تنحّ أيا حزنُ واهجُر فؤاداً توكّل بِجدٍّ بعزمٍ فصيحْ فإنّي عَلِمتُ بأنّكَ نَجْوى ولبسُ خبيثٍ مضلٍّ قبيحْ تبختر ترجّل بصوتٍ وخيلٍ فمالكَ في الأرضِ دربٌ صحيحْ إلى الله عُدنا وبالله لُذن ليُطْوى زمانٌ بئيسٌ شحيحْ

Allah knows best.