☆UwU Chapl Time~!☆

Placeholder Stats

Str: 100 Int: 1000 End: 10000 Agi: 100000

Placeholder Abilities

Fire Bolt

Deal 3 damage to your opponent. Increases to 5 damage is opponent is water type.

Pot of Healing

Open the health point pool to prepare a "healing" action. Then, you may proceed if you are not affected by the debuff "heal block". Subtract two health points from the health point pool if the health point pool contains two or more health points. If the pool contains fewer than two health points, this ability does nothing. The number of health points to be subtracted from the pool is not affected by healing efficiency or pool capacity modifiers. If exactly two health points were successfully subtracted from the pool, add two health points to your current health if your current health is no more than two less than your maximum health points. Otherwise, add health points until your current health is equal to your maximum health. If your maximum health changes at any point during the casting of this ability and your current health exceeds your maximum health, immediately decrease your current health until it is equal to your maximum health after this ability is successfully cast. This ability may not be played in response to an action which decreases your health points to zero.

Hacker Mode

Allows you to use code and algorithms to manipulate the opponent. Opponent speed decreased by 25% while active.